Sunday 2 August 2015

Lala Rukh Novel Qamar Ajnalvi Download Pdf

By Unknown  |  22:45:00 No comments

Lala Rukh Novel Qamar Ajnalvi
Lala Rukh novel is written, translated and authored by qamar ajnalvi in urdu language. First this story was written by thomas more in english but qamar ajnalvi translated it. This story has the size of 7.7 mb and uploaded in urdu romantic urdu pdf novels and qamar ajnalvi free books labels in pdf format. This story is not about the love of any prince and servent but its about the history of mughal kings, where english peoples played the villon role, who finished the mughal governance from sub continental. Princess lala rukh is the main role of this urdu story. Writer qamar ajnalvi has written many famous novels like babul and nainwa, muqaddas moorti and much more. Princess of red tomb "laal qila" whom i were so close. Fafhter of my grandmother used to teach persian in red tomb. Where the independance movemented strarted in dehli in 1857, My grandmother would say that when we entered thourgh home gate, we listened the knock from door, seriously it was a doomed knock for us. When her father went at door, we listened the steps of army person and then listened the bullet shots. We walked to the window near by gate, we saw our father in blood, lying by door. We were not known that what did our father talk with them, and why did they killed him. Anyway that princess granddaughter of bahadur shah zaffar grown up in our home and called as begum sahiba. When did i become mature, i saw her in white hairs or she got so old age at that time. Whenever any person used to visit our home, she used to say this i am the women who took care of this boy. Visit the mentioned mediafire or dropbox link for lala rukh urdu pdf book read online free.



Author: Unknown

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